Keep Watch, Prepare Ye! For John the Baptist, Like Christ Has Many Disguises!
There was a young woman who lived in an apartment, in a very rough neighbourhood. It was the east end of a very large city. Many of the people who lived in this neighbourhood got by on welfare,...
View ArticleThe Greatest Birth Story Ever?
Fourth Sunday of Advent December 23, 2012 Listen to the sermon here Greatest Birth Story Ever?Filed under: Home
View ArticleKeep Watch: John the Baptist, Like Christ Has Many Disguises!
There was a young woman who lived in an apartment, in a very rough neighbourhood. It was the east end of a very large city. Many of the people who lived in this neighbourhood got by on welfare,...
View ArticleThe Nativity: A Parable So Simple a Child Can Understand It! – a sermon for...
Historian and spiritual philosopher, Ian Lawton describes the dilemma of those of us who seek to put a “little reason into the season” this way: “Picture the scene. Mary and Joseph are huddled together...
View ArticleThe Power of Love Who Lives In Us: a Christmas Eve Sermon
A sermon preached on Christmas Eve 2011 at Holy Cross Lutheran Church. It has been said that the shortest distance between humanity and the truth is a story.[1] Tonight, as we celebrate the greatest...
View ArticleShattered Angel: an Imperfect Christmas Story
As Christmas draws near, we turn to stories to express the inexpressible. Like the Gospel writers we are at a loss to explain the activity of our God in the world and so we too resort to story...
Several years ago Lesley attended a small church in the suburbs. Every year toward the end of Advent the members of this church would create a living nativity. About a week before Christmas when most...
View ArticleTell Us About God. We Have Almost Forgotten – a Christmas Eve/Day sermon Luke...
You can listen to this sermon here There’s a story that I love to tell. So many of you have heard it before. But this is the night for telling stories over and over again and because I love this story,...
View ArticleChristmas in the Ordinary – Advent 3 – Luke 1:1-38
Readings Luke 1: 1-4, 5-25, 26-38 Listen to the sermon here under: Adult Education, Progressive Theology, SERMONS, STORIES, Theology
View ArticleKeep Watch: John the Baptist, Like Christ Has Many Disguises!
There was a young woman who lived in an apartment, in a very rough neighbourhood. It was the east end of a very large city. Many of the people who lived in this neighbourhood got by on welfare,...
View ArticleKeep Watch: John the Baptist, Like Christ Has Many Disguises!
There was a young woman who lived in an apartment, in a very rough neighbourhood. It was the east end of a very large city. Many of the people who lived in this neighbourhood got by on welfare,...
View ArticleKeep Watch: John the Baptist, Like Christ, Has Many Disguises!
There was a young woman who lived in an apartment, in a very rough neighbourhood. It was the east end of a very large city. Many of the people who lived in this neighbourhood got by on welfare,...
View ArticleThe Story of Jesus’ Birth is a Subversive Parable
This sermon, is a distillation of the work of Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan in their excellent book “The First Christmas” I am indebted to Peter Rollins for his approach to the Christmas story....
View ArticleWelcome Home to the MYSTERY that IS LOVE – Christmas Eve sermon
A number of years ago, back when I had only been a pastor for a couple of years, on the Sunday just before Christmas, immediately after our worship service, I travelled over to the hospital to pay a...
View ArticleKeep Watch: John the Baptist, Like Christ, Has Many Disguises!
There was a young woman who lived in an apartment, in a very rough neighbourhood. It was the east end of a very large city. Many of the people who lived in this neighbourhood got by on welfare,...
View ArticleThe Story of Jesus’ Birth is a Subversive Parable
Some have said that the birth of Jesus is the most amazing birth story ever told. Jesus birth narrative heralded the arrival of a child who was praised as the Son of God, the Saviour of the World who...
View ArticleWelcome Home to the MYSTERY that IS LOVE – Christmas Eve sermon
A number of years ago, back when I had only been a pastor for a couple of years, on the Sunday just before Christmas, immediately after our worship service, I travelled over to the hospital to pay a...
View ArticleLOVE Story: Remembering the LOVE born from Grandma’s nativity
It was the day before the day before Christmas and Angela had just about finished decorating her band new swanky apartment on the West-side. Everything was just perfect; each of the decorations had...
View ArticleLOVE Story: Shabby Peace
It was just a shabby little basement apartment, far too damp for a newborn baby, but it was all they could afford. It was a cold, damp, rainy, west-coast November afternoon when Carol’s Aunt and Uncle...
View ArticleChristmas Oranges: LOVE Quenches!
Stories have the power to open us to the LOVE which we call God. A story’s ability to open our eyes to LOVE has been true since the “Once upon a time” days of our childhood, through to the “Way back...
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